Is DailyStrength in trouble ???

OK guys I’m not sure if this is what I think it is but….

I was doing a little research on some of the companies we listed on our List Of Social Networks when I came across a blog named rdmey by a senior web developer who’s been working for DailyStrength for the past 6 months. And this is what I found in her latest post - :
“A couple of weeks ago, I got the call: my employer was laying everyone off while they continued their search for funding. It wasn't entirely unexpected -- in this case, no news started to seem like bad news as the weeks ticked by”

If that means what I think it does, we are seeing the first major site in the Health Social Networks niche to be effected by the recession. DS spent a lot of $$ over the last couple of years (anyone say bubble?) on building a strong team to win the race. I’ve got to say that if this news is true – I am amazed. According to their early 2007 press release DS raised $5-7 Million from RedPoint, all gone ???

I would hate to see DS disappear. It’s a great site with a great future and what does it say about the other companies on our Health Social Networks list? Will MDJunction and MedHelp be the next to feel it? (they are the next biggest Health Communities on our list).

I’ll try and get more info to you soon.


Anonymous said...

Hi there - I'm the CEO of DailyStrength, and I found this post through my web alerts.

I'm saddened to see this post, but the good news is, it's not quite accurate. The reality of DailyStrength is that we decided to scale back to a more reasonable size as we ramp up revenues. We grew big quickly, as our intention was to dominate the space, and now we're focusing on breaking even (which we are, btw) with a smaller, more focused team.

I'm a big fan of the folks we had to let go, and I hope we can bring many of them back. Ultimately, we just reached too far too fast, and so we're resetting so that we can continue to provide much-needed support to our members.

Bottom line: Yes, we've scaled back. No, we're not in trouble.

healthsocialnetworks said...

Hi Doug – thanks for the comment.
I’m very happy to hear the news as I’m a DS fan. I wasn’t looking for this kind of info it just popped up while researching for a full review I’ll be doing on you guys.
I think its important for DS to keep going at full speed.
I guess you and rdmey have a different point of view in regards to “scale back to a more reasonable size” (good thing I quoted her post as it seems someone asked her to edit the original one.. ;-) ).
I hope to see you around here a lot (on good grounds).

Anonymous said...

I would like to make a few things clear. One, no one asked me to edit my post, and I felt no pressure from anyone to edit my post. Once I realized that my post had the potential to cause trouble for DailyStrength, I removed the paragraph in question of my own volition. Two, I am a great believer in DailyStrength and the community it provides, and I wish nothing but good things to Doug and everyone else. Three, there are two people here who are using their real names; it's unfortunate the original author of this post isn't one of them.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure i get it.
trouble or no trouble?