DailyStrength is a great social network for health and by its own description ‘
the Internet's fastest growing health-focused social network’.
So – what is all about?
More than 500 different ‘support groups’, thousands of people who come everyday to talk to other likeminded people, set goals, get advice from people just like them and see who else shares the same treatments and therapies … friendships, journals stories from health professionals and more and more….
DailyStrength (aka DS by its members) came to light late 2006 with a burst of energy. Founded by top executives from Yahoo (dealing directly with Yahoo communities) and funded by RedPoint ($5-7 Million) they recruited VPs with long bios, got all the necessary PR from the top tech bloggers (anyone say TechCrunch?) and didn’t miss a single Health-Internet-Technology conference. But they didn’t stop there – they worked! DS is an active thriving community (more than 300,000 monthly visitors according to Compete.com) with many addicted members active forums and good spirit. I think everyone needs to take a look!
I put it to the test: searching for bipolar I immediately landed in their support group and was overwhelmed. 29 different people were ready to chat with me, 12700 registered members (seemed big but not that much) a forum post every 3 minutes on average – what more can you ask for? They have more…. Blog posts by a Dr. Orrange (a smiling Dr. who by her profile is feeling Good…), people giving hugs to each other (kind of made feel like everyone already knows the others – what about me ?? ;-) and some info on the disorder.
Second test: Complete Blood Count. Search got me to the High Blood Pressure Support Group. The groups looks really nice (like the bipolar group but smaller) but I just couldn’t find any information to help me with my blood count results… I’m sure that if I’d stay there for another hour or two, ask questions and look real good under all the forum topics I would eventually find some info about the blood test, but hey@!@ this is the internet I want answers now!
Final words
The Good:
1. A huge website with lots of members.
2. Great source for support and finding likeminded people.
3. The Internet's fastest growing health-focused social network (I just love marketing slogans).
The Bad:
1. Missing some personal touch. I have no idea how you can do it in such a big website, but I expect a site this big to know.
2. Some of the regulars are complaining that because it got so big they are having manageability problems. I didn’t notice it for myself but heard some say that.
3. There is nothing spectacular or really exciting about the site. I know some people will look at this and say – what the ____ do you mean… but what I am trying to say is that if you’re such a great site (and it is) and you have so many members (they do) and you say you are the fastest growing (they say) I expect something extra, some feeling of excitement like the first time I joined facebook. There is nothing wrong with just doing what you do and doing it good – but I want more.
As for dominating the Health Social Networks vertical? I’m not sure. I think MedHelp are bigger and I also think MDJunction is about the same size, one thing is for sure: DailyStrength is big and powerful.
One last note: two weeks ago I wrote a post about DailyStrengths’ financial problems. Some people wrote me to say that I was just trying to harm DS – this was not the case, I love the site ( I would like to interview them soon) and I wish with all my heart for them to find additional funding and to continue to grow so fast. I just found out the news and thought I needed to share it.
Peace & Love to you all, Sam.


Anonymous said...

I am a member of the DS infertility group. its been a life saver for me.
whatever wrong you have to say about DS is irrelevant to all DS fans

Anonymous said...

what's the deal with HopeCube? i got there from your list. do you have an opinion on them?

Anonymous said...

rumors say the troubles there are far from being over